Debt Service Ratios | GDS & TDS

What is Debt Servicing?

Debt servicing simply refers to the relationship between available income and cashflow to service principal and/or interest payments on debt obligations. This calculation, typically expressed as a percentage, is used by mortgage lenders and credit facilitators to establish that you will be able to sustain the loan payments. Depending on the lender and credit facility you are seeking, will determine the level of scrutiny and guidelines for debt service coverage and acceptable ratios. In this brief article, we will provide you with information on debt service ratios and how to calculate your GDS & TDS ratios. 

Gross Debt Service (GDS)

Gross Debt Service = Principal + Interest + Property Tax + Heat + Condominium Fees x 50%*

Total Debt Service (TDS) 

GDS + Other Monthly Obligations such as a card loan, personal loan, and credit card debt.


Applicant: Smith, John & Janet 
Property Location: Toronto, Ontario
Gross Annual Income: $85,000.00
Monthly Mortgage Payment (P + I): $1,500.00
Monthly Property Tax (T): $225.00
Monthly Heat (H): $125.00
Monthly Condo Fee (C): $500 x 50%: $250.00
Monthly Car Loan & Persona Loan: $650.00

GDS Calculation

P + I + T + H + C x 50% = $2,100 x 12 = $25,200.00
Gross Annual Income = $85,000.00
GDS Ratio = 29.65%

TDS Calculation

+ I + T + H + C x 50% = $2,100.00 x 12 = $25,200.00 $650.00 x 12  ($7,800.00) = $33,000
Gross Annual Income = $85,000.00
TDS Ratio = 38.82%

Requirements for Debt Service Ratios | GDS & TDS:

CMHC Insured Mortgage: 35% / 45%
Sagen Financial (Formally Genworth Financial) Mortgage: 39% / 44% 
Canada Guaranty Insured Mortgage:  39% / 44% 
Alternative Mortgage: up to 48% / 50% +
Private Mortgage: N/A 

In Summary
We invite you to contact us at DV Capital Corporation anytime for a free, no-obligation discussion. In a matter of minutes we will be able to help you calculate your debt service ratios, GDS & TDS, and help you determine your financing options. As illustrated above, you are a candidate for low interest rates the lower your GDS & TDS ratios are. Although not everyone is able to fit into the bank-box as a result of elevated debt service ratios, we provide alternative and private mortgage solutions.

DV Capital Corporation
FSRA Brokerage License:. 13186
Local: 416-839-5874
Toll-Free: 1-866-839-5874
Email: [email protected]

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